Jupiter Strategic Bond

Jupiter Strategic Bond is a flexible 'go-anywhere' fund that allows the manager considerable freedom to exploit opportunities across global bond markets. The aim is to achieve a moderate income, but with the prospect for growth, although in practice the manager is prepared to sacrifice yield in order to preserve capital. He is quite cautious in his approach and emphasises limiting potential losses in tough markets.

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Our Opinion

Since launch, Ariel has demonstrated that he has an aptitude for reading the economic cycle. This, combined with some solid stock picking, has seen the Jupiter Strategic Bond fund perform well. His emphasis on controlling the downside (how much the value of the fund may fall) has helped the fund to post some exceptional risk-adjusted returns, and it is this that sets it apart from many of its peer group.

Fund Managers


Fund Managers

Ariel Bezalel

Ariel Bezalel, Lead Manager Ariel Bezalel began his career at Jupiter and has been part of the Fixed Interest & Multi-Asset Team since 1998, becoming a fund manager in 2000. He currently manages the Jupiter Strategic Bond Fund and the Jupiter Dynamic Bond Fund. Ariel holds a degree in Economics from Middlesex University.

Manager photo

Harry Richards, Deput-Manager Harry Richards joined Jupiter in 2011 and is an Investment Manager in the Fixed Income Team. He co-manages the Jupiter Multi-Sector Fixed Income franchise with Ariel Bezalel, which includes the Jupiter Unconstrained Bond Strategy and the Jupiter Global Fixed Income Strategy. Harry also co-manages the Jupiter Sterling Investment Grade Non-Gilt Strategy with Adam Darling. He holds a degree in Chemistry from Oxford University and is a CFA® Charterholder.

Ariel Bezalel

Ariel Bezalel, Lead Manager Ariel Bezalel began his career at Jupiter and has been part of the Fixed Interest & Multi-Asset Team since 1998, becoming a fund manager in 2000. He currently manages the Jupiter Strategic Bond Fund and the Jupiter Dynamic Bond Fund. Ariel holds a degree in Economics from Middlesex University.

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Harry Richards, Deput-Manager Harry Richards joined Jupiter in 2011 and is an Investment Manager in the Fixed Income Team. He co-manages the Jupiter Multi-Sector Fixed Income franchise with Ariel Bezalel, which includes the Jupiter Unconstrained Bond Strategy and the Jupiter Global Fixed Income Strategy. Harry also co-manages the Jupiter Sterling Investment Grade Non-Gilt Strategy with Adam Darling. He holds a degree in Chemistry from Oxford University and is a CFA® Charterholder.

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Quote from the Fund Manager

Human emotions are very much involved when managing people’s money. That’s where you’ve got to try and step away from that, ignore a lot of the day-to-day noise and stick to your investing principles.

Ariel Bezalel

Ariel Bezalel

Lead Manager

Investment process

Jupiter Strategic Bond will typically hold around 350–400 instruments and, for the most part, the fund will invest across the full credit spectrum. Ariel and his team conduct their own macroeconomic research, analysing global monetary policy and data relating to economic activity. Once they have formulated their views, they will then decide in which bonds to invest, looking at maturity dates, geographic regions and credit quality. Extensive company research is conducted at this stage. The team use derivatives extensively and can take short positions to profit from falling bond prices.


Since launch, Ariel’s generally cautious approach has resulted in the fund outperforming its peers in many falling markets. However, the level of risk at any one time is heavily dependent on Ariel’s current macroeconomic view, which, as you would expect with a strategic bond fund, can vary greatly. Ariel is often willing to hold some higher risk high yield bonds if he thinks they offer good value.


ESG - Integrated  

ESG is fully integrated throughout the process - from risk management to portfolio construction and from finding opportunities to engaging with companies. As a bond manager, Ariel wants to understand whether a firm’s underlying fundamentals will be affected by ESG issues. Poor corporate governance, such as weak capital discipline leading to overleverage, is the most obvious, although environmental and social risks may also damage the outlook for businesses and could lead to defaults. As such, ESG risks are first integrated in the financial analysis element of the process. If risks are identified, it is not an instant exclusion. Ariel will see if the business is willing and able to help itself improve. Post investment, he will engage with a business on their thoughts and progress on issues. Divestment is an option if he feels a business in not moving in the right direction. The analysis is undertaken by the credit analysts who identify these issues as part of the overall report. Ariel has oversight to query these assumptions and will subsequently engage with a company’s management team. Both Ariel and the analysts have use of Jupiter’s in-house Governance and Sustainability team for help on best practice.

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