Unicorn UK Smaller Companies

This is a very high-conviction UK smaller companies fund with around 40 holdings. Its manager focuses on company fundamentals and aims to make long-term investments, while avoiding low-quality, cash-burning businesses.
Our Opinion
Fund Managers
Fund Managers

Simon Moon, Co-Manager Simon joined Unicorn in 2008 and co-manages the Unicorn UK Income Strategy, UK Smaller Companies, and UK Growth Funds. He also collaborates with the Investment team on various portfolios, including OEIC, AIM VCT, AIM IHT, and managed accounts. Before Unicorn, Simon worked as a research analyst at JM Finn & Co. Stockbrokers and was involved in the NHS graduate finance scheme for three years.

Fraser Mackersie, Co-Manager Fraser joined Unicorn in 2008 and is co-manager of the Unicorn UK Income Strategy, UK Smaller Companies Fund, and UK Growth Fund. He also collaborates with the investment team on various OEIC, AIM VCT, AIM IHT Portfolios, and managed accounts. Fraser previously worked with F&C Asset Management and Geoghegan & Co Chartered Accountants. He graduated from the University of St Andrews in 2003 with a degree in Economics and Management and is a Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants.
Fund Performance
Quote from the Fund Manager
Smaller company investing is fascinating; the real opportunity and intrigue lies in uncovering some truly hidden gems at the lower end of the market-cap spectrum.

Simon Moon
Investment process
Unicorn UK Smaller Companies fund prioritises individual stock selection rather than positioning the portfolio for a particular macroeconomic view. The investment process begins with a number of quantitative screens for profitability, debt levels and analyst coverage. The fund avoids companies in the oil and gas, mining and biotech sectors. All companies must be profitable at the point of investment. The team looks for stocks with lasting competitive advantages, experienced management teams and strong balance sheets. A large proportion of research is performed in-house - this allows Unicorn to identify companies often missed by brokers. Regular company meetings are key and it is very rare that an investment is made in a stock without a face-to-face meeting. The portfolio has a low turnover, and stocks are purchased with long-term investment horizons.
The concentrated nature of the Unicorn UK Smaller Companies fund does open it up to some stock-specific risk. However, this is mitigated by the team's conservative and disciplined investment approach, which avoids loss-making and heavily indebted companies. Individual holdings are typically limited to a 5% position in the portfolio, which reduces the risk of one large holding hurting the fund's performance.
ESG - Integrated
Unicorn integrates ESG factors into its investment process. The stock selection process removes sectors which are deemed to have negative ESG practices, such as resources, tobacco, gambling and doorstep lending. The team then uses an ESG assessment tool prior to the stock being added, which evaluates the policies and controls in place at a company, the ESG targets and trends. Any significant controversies during this assessment would result in the company not qualifying for inclusion in the portfolio. Any minor controversies are noted as a potential topic for engagement and further explanation may then be sought from the management team.
The investment team encourages company management teams to adopt ESG KPI’s (key performance indicators), which then become an agenda item to discuss at regular company management meetings. The stock selection process is underpinned by the Unicorn Asset Management Responsible Investment Policy, which prohibits investment in controversial weapons.