68: The Control-Alt-Delete recession
“Governments and central banks have spent the last decade trying to avoid a recession – then along comes this pandemic,” says John Bennett, manager of Janus Henderson European Focus fund. “Usually you get bargains in a recession, but this one is different: it’s a Control-Alt-Delete recession and the global economy has been reset.” John discusses some of the winners (industrials) and losers (fast food chains) in Europe and explains how two years of digital disruption have been squeezed in to two months.
Janus Henderson European Selected Opportunities fund is a long-only portfolio of typically 40-50 stocks. It mixes mega and large blue-chip holdings with some mid-cap and John’s pragmatic approach takes into consideration the overall macroeconomic environment and sector trends, as well as the criteria of individual companies. Janus Henderson European Focus fund is a more concentrated version of Janus Henderson European Selected Opportunities fund.
Read more about Janus Henderson European Selected Opportunities and Janus Henderson European Focus