Name changes for First State and Stewart Investors funds

Staci West 22/09/2020 in Asia/Emerging Markets, Specialist investing

As part of a wider corporate brand change for First State Investments, a number of Elite Rated funds will have their names changed.

Effective 22 September 2020, First State Investments has rebranded to First Sentier Investors. The brand change is part of a global re-branding program which began in 2019 after First State Investments was acquired by Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation (MUTB), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. (MUFG).

Alongside the corporate brand name change, there are a number of fund name changes to reflect the brands of the investment teams responsible for their management: First Sentier Investors and FSSA Investment Managers.

Fund name changes:

Current Fund NamesNew Fund Names
First State Global Listed Infrastructure FundFirst Sentier Global Listed Infrastructure Fund
First State Greater China Growth FundFSSA Greater China Growth Fund
First State Japan Focus FundFSSA Japan Focus Fund
First State Global Emerging Markets Focus FundFSSA Global Emerging Markets Focus Fund

Stewart Investors fund name change

Stewart Investors, which is also part of the First Sentier Investors group, but operates with discrete investment autonomy, according to its investment philosophy, has also decided to rename the Elite Rated Stewart Investors Asia Pacific Leaders fund.

Effective today, it will be named Stewart Investors Asia Pacific Leaders Sustainability fund. This is to highlight the fact that the fund is managed by the Sustainable Funds Group within Stewart Investors, which focusses on investment in companies which are positioned to benefit from, and contribute to, the sustainable development of the countries in which they operate. There has been no change to the team managing the fund.

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