What’s hot this summer?
In August, we asked FundCalibre visitors which market they thought would heat up over the rest of the summer. It was a close call between the UK and Europe with Europe pipping the post at 32%. 30% thought the UK, 20% emerging markets and 18% the US.
However, as Clive discusses in his latest market commentary, August (usually a very quiet month for markets), was extremely volatile and none of the markets posted a positive gain for the month.
The US held up best, falling 4.4%², followed by the UK (down 5.35%²), Europe (down 5.73%²) and emerging markets (down 6.53%²). The only saving grace was that, in the last week of the month, all markets had fallen by 10% or more, so we have had a slight recovery.
¹Based on feedback from 77 FundCalibre visitors from 01/08/15 – 31/08/15
²Data sourced from FE Analytics, 3rd to 31st August 2015. Indices used: FTSE All Share, MSCI Emerging Markets, MSCI Europe ex UK and S&P 500